Please carefully follow the return shipping instructions, provided on the flyer included in every shipment. Occasionally damages can occur during shipping. If your shipment appears to be damaged from the outside upon delivery, please contact us immediately. Take pictures of the outer box and contents, and do not discard any of the shipping materials; they must be inspected during the claim process.
If possible, please re-use the box the shades came in and the shipping materials. Lampshades are extremely fragile, so care must be taken to insulate shades from the box itself. Crumpled packing paper should surround the shade on all sides. If returning multiple shades of the same style that can be stacked or nested together, several inches of paper should be inserted between them. Shades can be easily damaged during shipping if nested without a paper buffer. Please do not use packing peanuts or any form of styrofoam! Please also mark the RMA number provided by our staff on the outside of the box.